Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lastest Web Obsessions

I've found some awesome new websites that are stealing all my attention these days.

Follow Me on Pinterest

If I am not on my absolute new fav site Pinterest, you can find me on here:

Monkey and the Bug - she started following me on Twitter. Why? I don't know either. So I investigated her and found her awesome blog and shop. One day I will buy something for Ava from there...
$30 from here

Through Monkey and the Bug I found out about Closet Visit. If I could be only 1% as fashionably cool as any of these people on this site, I would be 1000% times cooler than I am right now. How real and gorgeous is this site? Swoon.

Raquel Allegra's closet - super jealous
I mentioned on my last Weekend Update that I've already started planning Ava's 1st birthday. Well, I enlisted a little help from the professionals. At In Good Company, they offer The Good Plan. For R50, they design a party plan for you, right down to the menu you should serve. Best part, the R50 turns into a store credit at their lovely little shop. Why I haven't put them on my blog roll yet, I am not sure. Super excited to see what owner, Julie, comes up with for Ava's Under the Sea / Coral and Teal themed birthday party!
Their new store

Being Brazen is listed on my blog roll and I have mentioned her before here. My favorite segment, I guess you call it that, is her Local is Lekker or Local & Lovely. I LOVE, LOVE online shopping. Even if it's just screen shopping. Get it, window shopping / screen shopping. Ha. BUT, my biggest issue is that South Africa hasn't quite caught up with the whole online shopping thing. If you go to one of our biggest retailers, not to name names, but they are still pushing their Urban Arctic looks and it's officially Spring Day here in SA. Hello, people?!?!?! What happen to fashion forward? Anyhooo, Being Brazen posts local online shops and products. Not to mention she has killer giveaways. What's not to love? Check how her most recent post, Lovely & Local.

Local & Lovely
I should actually stop looking at Cool Mom Picks and following them on Twitter. They give me more depression, than joy.
A) proof I need more $$$ 
B) makes me miss home and all the US has to offer
Look at today's post, swoon...
Last but not least, a NSFW (Not Safe For Work site), There's a Lion Heart in our Bath Tub. Why is this site NSFW? You try to get through one of her posts without tearing up or laughing out loud. There's a reason why she was just voted South Africa's number 1 Mommy Blog by Kidz World

go here

Well folks, if your looking for me, there's lots of places where you can find me. Facebook isn't one of them. It's so last week!

Lot's of exciting things happening for the Scheeper's this month. Keep a look out. 


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