It's summer here in South Africa and getting hotter every day. As am I. Larger and hotter, everyday. And I am so over being pregnant. Some women bask in the glow that is pregnancy. I've never had that "glow". At first my face broke out like a 15 year old boy. Oh and the things I would do for a nice cold lemonade. One that I didn't have to squeeze the lemons myself and add sugar, water and ice to. A nice super sized Lemonade from Chic-fil-a. On the other hand I am quite glad I am not back in the US of A. At this moment there is no way I could pull up to that window and just order a large Lemonade. With that would come a #5 super sized, please. And this tiny little, excuse me, this once tiny little behind, would be 10x larger instead of the 8x larger it is right now. I am not doing fat well.
So please Miss Ava, please grace us with your presence soon. We really can't wait to meet you.
Here is a photo of Miss Ava on Monday, 3rd Jan.
Yay! My first post on my blog!
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