Yesterday was back to reality and back to my first day at work in the new year. Traffic was a breeze as most of the country is still on holiday until next week. The office was even more quieter, as I think all of our minds were still in holiday mode.
I am really looking forward to 2012 and the exciting times it will bring for our family. We have quite a few big events already planned.
Any day now, our newest nephew will make his grand entrance into the world. It's a shame he is in New Zealand, but thanks to Skype we will get to see and talk to him often. Hopefully we will get to meet him sooner than later. This little guy is already loved by so many people all around the world, all who can't wait for him to arrive!
stole the pic from Facebook. Isn't my sister in law gorgeous?!?! |
Ava turns one in a few weeks and I am still busy putting together her party. You'd think I would be finished, since I started planning in October. Yet, there is still lots and lots to be done. I still need to pay the deposit on the cake, which I am a bit nervous about as it's not like the baker has made before the cake I have requested. But, I've seen her previous work and think she can pull it off. Fingers crossed as we wait and see.
As we get older and our friends begin families of their own, it means lots of more birthday parties to attend. Not sure what's better? The first birthday party or the subsequent birthdays where they actually enjoy their friends and the excitement of the day. Ava's first might be a little OTT (shh! don't tell her dad), but hopefully our friends will brush it off as her mom just being a crazy American... Thank you over the top kid's parties tv shows!
a little message in a bottle |
In March, Johan will travel to China for ten days with work. I am so excited (and jealous) for him to see this part of the world. China isn't one of my top places to visit, but nonetheless, I would jump at the opportunity to go. Not really sure how I will cope without him for ten days, but at least I have Ava and my iPad to keep me company.
We also have a friend who is planning on coming to visit in March from the States. Super exciting. I love getting people's reaction of South Africa and where we live. It's my norm now and I love hearing an outsider's opinion and their questions. Watching them try new food and then coming to the realization that it actually isn't so much different from home then they had imagined. Well, except for the Zebras they will see on the side of the road. Oh, let's not forget all the goodies we get shipped to them to bring over for us. Going to start my
Baby Gap wish list now!
I want this... |
and this... |
and she most definitely needs a pair of these! |
The seventh of August marks my thirtieth birthday. SCARY! Hoping sparkles are still in style then, as I would like to wear something really sparkly on my thirtieth. Break out of my fashion shell a bit.
like these pants, out to lunch with the girls |
this shirt, on a surprise trip to Cape Town |
or this dress, just dancing around the house* |
All year we will be trying to save as much money as possible. So if you have any good tips on saving, PLEASE, please pass them along. I, for one, have never been a person who is good at saving. What are we saving for you ask? Our trip HOME to America in December! Oh I cannot wait to introduce Miss Ava to our family and friends!! By then she will be a proper little girl, full of life and personality.
Our plan is to stop in New York City to see my old friend Sherrill, travel down to Washington, DC and meet my brother to do some sight seeing. Then head to North Carolina for about three weeks of fun with family and friends. Really looking forward to Christmas with my brother and sister and their families. And hopefully a grandma or two, my aunts and uncles, and cousins too!
I am in talks with the BFF to organize a massive play date in December, at one of my favorite hangouts and her business,
Kate's skating rink. Will keep you posted on the details and let me know if you want to help out!
Well, those are the things we are BIG things to look forward to this year. What do you have planned?
Happy New Year!
PS: Will post pictures of our holiday soon!
I found all these pics on Pinterest